Ding Dong: Avon Calling!

Whilst browsing the internet earlier in search of inspirational Avon blogs; I came across a blog which outlined what they believed to be “The five biggest mistakes made by Avon Reps”.

To be fair; these are only mistakes in the authors opinion, but I couldn’t help but pick out mistake number three: ‘Wearing Avon Products’... The author claims that wearing the products (which you’re trying to sell) is the worst marketing technique because, in all their time as a Rep; they were never asked about their make-up or fragrance.

Slightly fathomed by this; I spoke to one of my clients & asked her for her thoughts: She said: Wearing the products you’re selling is an effective marketing technique, because by doing so, people can see the products in their full glory & if you’re wearing something which they like, they can purchase their own.

In my experience; people often ask me about my make-up; nail polish & on a number of occasions I’ve been asked about the fragrance I’m wearing... & so I have to say, in my personal opinion: NOT wearing the products which you’re trying to sell, would be the biggest mistake that a representative could make...

What are your thoughts?

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